Thursday 23 May 2013

Las Vegas: Horseback riding at Bonnie Springs Ranch, yeehaw!

Four days in and we needed to see some more of the beautiful Nevada countryside. Mr. O - who I think has secretly always wanted to be a cowboy - had done his research and found a place where he could live out his childhood dreams...the 'world famous' Bonnie Springs Ranch!

Built in the 1840s as a stopover for wagons travelling the Old Spanish Trail, the ranch is now owned by Miss. Bonnie, a former ice skater and Las Vegas showgirl who was a friend of Howard Hughes back in the day. Talk about old school glamour! Nowadays, Miss. Bonnie lives on her ranch, which seems to do a rip roaring trade in horseback riding in the wilderness.

We signed ourselves up for an evening trail, arriving at the ranch for the last of the afternoon's sun. Successfully suited and booted (and ok, I know the helmets looked absolutely ridiculous, but there was no way I was letting either of us go they gave me plenty of chances to laugh at Mr. O...), we were introduced to Sage and Dusty, our partners in crime for our time on the trail. With just our guide and one other guest in our group, we set off on our trek through Red Rock Canyon.

Oh my word, it was so incredible! Don't get me wrong, I love the creature comforts of city living, but good grief, I could have just sat back and looked at those mountains all day long. I just couldn't get enough of the really did feel as though we were in an old western film, especially as the sun started to set and the colours all around us came to life. It was so relaxing, riding on horseback and taking it all in as the rhythm of Dusty's walk rippled beneath me. We slowly made our way through the terrain, with view after view opening up in front of us, completely surrounded by silence - a truly peaceful experience. It was honestly just beautiful from start to finish.

We followed the canyon trail for about an hour, seeing dried out creeks, Joshua trees, deer and burros (though thankfully not encountering any mountain lions!) before reluctantly making our way back to the stables. After waving a last goodbye to Sage, Dusty and our lovely guide, we headed into the ranch's restaurant, ready for some good ol' cowboy grub. Sadly, the food wasn't great (I ate more of the side salad and bread than I did of my main course), but the setting was just perfect - exactly what you'd expect from a ranch - and the service was warm and welcoming.

Dinner done (and just as the band was starting up), our wagon home rolled into town and all too soon it was time to head back to the big smoke. We had a brilliant night out at the ranch - I'm just sorry we couldn't stay longer to dance the night away.

Bonnie Springs Ranch, 16395 Bonnie Springs Road, Blue Diamond, Nevada 89004

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