Monday 3 June 2013

Look what I found in Miami! Biologique Recherche P50

We interrupt these holiday recap proceedings to share that, whilst perusing the spa at The Standard in Miami, we were very excited (well, I was - Mr. O was slightly less bothered...) to discover that they stocked Biologique Recherche and, specifically, their P50 products.

A couple of months ago, I found and immersed myself in Caroline Hirons' incredible skincare blog and quickly added a ridiculous number of products to my wishlist, one of which was P50 (an exfoliating toner). As Caroline has explained though, P50 is currently pretty difficult to get hold of in the UK (harder still since a recent reformulation), so my little face lit up when I saw it on the spa's shelves. And I'm hoping that after using it for a few weeks, it'll keep helping my face glow!

On the recommendation of the spa's facialist (and in true panic buying mode), I bought a bottle of the original P50 and also a bottle of the slightly less strong P50V, just to get me started.

I'm excited to see if this is a product that works for me, but also slightly frightened that it will and that it'll then be completely impossible to get hold of. Let's see what happens...

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