Thursday 5 September 2013

Farmer's Market in Utrecht

So, we've made our big move. Well, I say that, but we've basically made the biggest step so far in our big move, which isn't even really a move at all. 

Anyway, the time for living out of a suitcase is here and Mr. O and I have arrived in Utrecht for our longest visit, hands down beating our longest stay to date of three nights on the trot. I still can't quite get my head around the fact that we're doing this (I'm so excited!) and I'm just trying to focus on trying to soak it all in and having the best time, rather than the fact that I can't so much as say 'goodbye' in Dutch (hello is, thankfully, very easy - 'hallo!' - while thank you seems to have an endless number of variations). 

Anyway, can you believe it, it was almost as though Utrecht knew we were coming - a farmer's market! On a Sunday! Just around the corner from our flat! If ever a girl needed a sign that she'd come to the right city, this was surely it!

 photo TheBelovedRoad-SundaymarketonTwijnstraatUtrecht1_zpsaa78957f.jpg photo TheBelovedRoad-SundaymarketonTwijnstraatUtrecht3_zpsff2398a7.jpg photo TheBelovedRoad-SundaymarketonTwijnstraatUtrecht4_zps49be7e0e.jpg photo TheBelovedRoad-SundaymarketonTwijnstraatUtrecht2_zpsd05afe3e.jpg

I think Utrecht and I are going to get on just fine. Can't wait to explore some more!

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