Monday 7 October 2013

Canals in Utrecht

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The beautiful summery autumn weather is continuing here in Utrecht, creating the most gorgeous snapshots across the canals as the light plays on the water. I couldn't resist stopping to take a view photos on my way to buy a few things for dinner. Gorgeous.

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Then, it was on to Albert Heijn, our local supermarket and the minefield that is Dutch bread. I'm so used to either just grabbing a loaf of the usual, adding in something a little more rustic looking if we're having soup, that the multitude of different shapes, names and colours of bread here is exciting but mind boggling - where to start!? Well, with a trusty iPhone and Google Translate, that's where!

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And what did I go for, I hear you ask? I sort of bottled it and chose a few slices of rozijnenbrood - raisin bread which I've found is completely delicious for a treat at breakfast time. Does this earn me at least some Dutch points!? 

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