Wednesday 20 February 2013

Off to London to see the Queen!

Ever since I finished my last full time project at the end of December, Mr. O and I have been desperate to plan some time away together. Unfortunately for us, whilst I've been swanning around as an lady of (almost complete) leisure, Mr. O has been incredibly busy at work and we just haven't been able to make our escape. But this weekend (thanks in no small part to a very important sporting event!), we're off - London here we come!

We're not going far and we're not going for long, but boy are we excited! The choice, pace and sights of the big city, the feel of being a part of such hustle and bustle and the fact that around every corner there is something new and exciting happening or a story waiting to be told, makes London one of my favourite places to spend time, especially when we're adventuring together.

This time around, we're zoning in on Notting Hill. Thanks to some last minute booking, we've got a room at a lovely looking hotel just off Westbourne Grove and we're making a long list of things to pack into our limited time. My half of the list consists mainly of places to eat...

Looking forward to reporting back on both the food and football fronts soon!

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