Saturday 9 February 2013

World Nutella Day

I have a dangerous Nutella. A 'straight from the pot, piled high on a spoon' kind of addiction. I'd like to say that I can restrain myself and that when I get my hands on a pot I make it last, but, well, that wouldn't be strictly true.

So, you can imagine my excitement that, when doing some Nutella related googling last week, I stumbled across World Nutella Day. How did I not know this was a thing until now!? I'd found out in the nick of time though - in possibly one of the best coincidences ever, 2013's World Nutella Day was just days away on 5th February - come on!

This is the Nutella feast we had that evening - a flourless Nutella cake (my contribution), American pancakes with extra Nutella (courtesy of Mama) and...some fruit (which I'm certain balanced everything else out).

I was in heaven. I'm just wondering now if it's too early to start planning for next year? I hope not as there's plenty of inspiration out there - you can find the recipe for the cake (which was delicious just got better and better as the days passed by), along with countless other Nutella-based recipes, at the incredible World Nutella Day website.

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