Friday 15 March 2013

Happy birthday!

Well, this was a big week for me...I had my birthday! Even though the getting older bit is becoming less and less exciting each year, I must admit that I do still love being the birthday girl and making the most of it.

I was thoroughly spoilt rotten by Mr. O, who was able to spend the whole entire day hanging out with me. We woke up for present opening, which was especially exciting this year. I received the most gorgeous Reiss handbag from mum and dad and from Mr. O's family had two cook books I've had my eyes on for a little while, plus a pack of candy melts so I can have a go at making cake pops. The crowning glory though? The beautiful, blue Pashley Poppy bike (complete with wicker basket!) that Mr. O surprised me with. I am so excited to spend the summer cruising on this beauty...I still can't quite believe she's mine!

After getting over my shock, we whipped up a batch of birthday pancakes (because there really is no other way to celebrate such an occasion) and headed out into the sunshine, strolling along the seafront.

Having made the most of the sun (and after starting to feel the effects of the bracing March winds), I had one of my better ideas. In honour of many birthdays past (and in keeping with the fact I'd had a bike for my birthday, which made me feel about 10 anyway), we decided to head to the bowling alley for the ultimate birthday showdown! Mr. O put up a good fight, but he was no match for me (actually, I surprised even myself...must have had birthday luck on my side!). Winning two games very convincingly and losing the third by a handful of points, victory was mine! I am doing my best not to let him live it down...

As a lovely finish to the evening, I was whisked off to my favourite local restaurant, where we were met by my parents and grandmother. Grandma and I share a birthday, so it was lovely to once again celebrate I got to introduce her to Turkish cuisine! 

So another year older, another year wiser and a really perfect day to boot. I'm looking forward to seeing what the year ahead has in store and where we get to celebrate next year. So many adventures to come!

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