Wednesday 27 March 2013

Jamie Oliver's Thai Green Curry

Mmmm, I'm getting hungry just looking at this photo, even though it's just gone 10:30 in the morning and this was last night's dinner. But when something looks this fresh and green, it's hard not to crave it! Oooo, coriander...

This is a Thai Green Curry with chicken, made to Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food recipe. I have to admit that, despite enjoying eating food immensely, I'm not the most confident of chefs (in fact, Mr. O does the majority of cooking in our house and he has a real special skills lie with desserts!), but this is a really easy recipe that I recently stumbled upon and it's fast becoming a favourite. In fact, Mr. O referred to it as my 'signature dish' when he was on the phone last night whilst I was cooking it...get in!

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