Tuesday 19 March 2013

I'm not good with change / They changed Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lip Balm

So, a couple of days ago I ran out of my absolute favourite, can't-live-without, goes-everywhere-with-me lip balm, Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula. Seriously, it's like a drug. Of course, I had a couple in stock already, but needed to get some new ones in Sainsbury's to keep up my supply.

Anyway, this is when I discovered that this had happened whilst I wasn't watching:

Errr...what!? What have they done to the shape? What have they done to the twizzly bit at the bottom!?!

Thankfully, the formulation doesn't seem to have changed, but I can't quite get my head around it all regardless. The new version has been quickly palmed off onto Mr. O and today I trawled my other local suppliers. Yes that's right, this happened:

Thank goodness, this lot should keep me going for a few months. I know I'm just putting off the inevitable, but I'm back in my safe place for now at least.


  1. Haha I don't cope well with change either, good idea stocking up! Haha xxx

  2. For when you eventually run out, Body Care do packs of three in the old shape for about £1.50. I found this out the other week and replenished supplies to look a little like your's time three!


  3. Oh my word, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for the tip Celia, I think I'll have to get onto that - I'm already dreading the day I have to switch to the oval shape! x
