Monday 1 April 2013

Enjoying a lovely Easter weekend

Happy Easter! I love this special celebration, a whole weekend to spend time with the people we love, without the pressure that can sometimes come at Christmas time. Such love is, of course, always helped along when there are copious amounts of chocolate involved.

Mr. O and I both did exceptionally well this year, collecting enough chocolate to keep us going for a little while at least. We had a brilliant realisation this year - we could get one big Easter egg each for £8 or just get four smaller eggs each, resulting in a loooot more chocolate. Winner!

I was also once again reminded of the fact that I am my mother's daughter yesterday when, having arranged our Easter stash into a suitably photogenic display, I went to her house and saw that she - sorry, the Easter Bunny! - had done exactly the same with theirs. Argh! I'm learning to embrace it though...and thank goodness I don't have a smartphone, otherwise we'd all be in serious photographic trouble!

We had a really lovely Easter Sunday afternoon, spending time with a whole host of my family at Mum and Dad's house. We have some very special visitors at the moment - my Auntie and two cousins live in Brisbane with my uncle, but have just arrived in the UK for a whole month! Having them with us made a great Easter lunch even more special, as we made plans for the next few weeks around a packed dining table, despite their lingering jetlag.

Mum spoilt us, feeding us delicious roast lamb, followed by freshly baked hot cross buns and Simnel cake (thank you Sunday Bake Club!), until we all gave up and curled up on the sofa, bellies full. The evening finished with a round of the Logo Game (during which Mr. O and I exposed my family to our unique brand of competitiveness - quite a feat when there are Aussies in the room!) and the demolition of a fair few Easter eggs.

Today, Mr. O and I are making the most of a slightly lazy day, getting a couple of jobs done around the house and hoping that the weather holds so we can get outside for a little later. Don't you just love long weekends? I'm also proud and excited to say that my remaining Easter eggs are tucked away neatly in the corner, unharmed...which may or may not have anything to do with the holiday that we've just booked...!! Woohoo!

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