Wednesday 28 August 2013

National Burger Day 2013

I can hear your collective groans...yep, I'm eating another burger. This is a food obsession that seems set to run and run in our little household.

But this time it wasn't my fault! I mean, who in their right minds would pass up this invitation!?:

'Fancy a burger now or later? Happy National Burger Day, love Mum xxxxxxx'

Well, certainly not Mr. O and I, that's for sure. We RSVP'd to that bad boy faster than you could say 'pass the ketchup'.

A woman after my own heart, Mum's burgers were homemade and a darn sight tastier than the ones I whipped up last month. Guess what though? Yep, I once again forgot to find out which recipe she followed. If I had to put money on it though, I think it might have been come from Jamie's America. That seems a pretty good place to start anyway.

Burgers grilling, we set to slicing and dicing a wide variety of toppings. Turns out I can't get enough of gherkins on my burgers these days, having spent the first 25 years of my life diligently picking the little buggers out of any burger that graced my plate. Now? Bring on the pickle!

Seriously, aside from the poor lighting and dodgy photo composition, how good does that burger look!? And the fries? My father's speciality - the taste of childhood dinners when Dad was left in charge!

Want to get involved in the National Burger Day fun? Set your reminders now for Wednesday 27th August 2014! Or, you know, just have your own celebrations a little early - there's nothing like forward planning and good prep work!

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