Tuesday 6 August 2013

Not going anywhere yet...enjoying a taste of home

One of Swansea's most prized possession, culinary or otherwise, is Joe's Ice Cream. I like to keep this under my hat, but growing up I wasn't the biggest fan...a fact that nearly had me disowned by my father several times over the years, I'm sure.

Well, we live and learn - turns out the vanilla ice cream they serve up here is really something very special. Very special indeed. Soft, smooth and the richest, creamiest ice cream you'll ever have the pleasure of eating. The only obstacle to your enjoyment will be the winding queue of expectant ice cream fans, heading out the door and down the street of all of their locations on a busy summer day! Worth the wait, let me tell you.

The décor feels like you've stepped back in time and not necessarily in a good way, but with the beautiful Swansea Bay on their doorstep, takeaway is the perfect option. Joe's now offers quite a few different flavours, but it's the vanilla that's the knockout. Even more so when you go for the Hazelnut Fudge Sundae...vanilla ice cream teamed with Nutella. Need I say more!? My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Joe's Ice Cream, 526 Mumbles Road, Mumbles, Swansea SA3 4DH

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