Wednesday 31 July 2013

Share a coke with...Sanne?

Mr. O and I are overseas at the moment. All will be revealed soon, but, suffice to say, the names on the Coke bottles are a little different over here!

Monday 29 July 2013

Adventures on the Cornish seas

Once in awhile, it's does a person good to hit the road and get out of the big smoke (Swansea - ha!). Even better when this escape to the country includes spending time with wonderful family and adventures on the high seas. And ice cream!

On a beautiful sunny morning, we headed down to the harbour, packed up the boats with supplies and set out onto the creek. We pootled about (a technical term and one the sailors in my family would probably kill me for...) and then headed to one of our favourite family spots, the Pandora Inn.

Tucked away and surrounded by the most beautiful views, the Pandora is a real treasure. In the winter, imagine roaring fires and comforting food - in the summer, drinks in the sunshine and small boats bobbing alongside the inn's very own pontoon. We love it.

After enjoying our time on land, we waved goodbye to the boats and set off back home on foot. Having built up quite an appetite stomping through the countryside, there really was only one way to reward ourselves on our arrival - proper Cornish pasties! There was even a chance to look at a slightly 'bigger' seafaring vessel!

The only upside to being so far away from our lovely family is that we get to spend time together in this beautiful part of the world. Yay for long weekends, summer sun and adventures in Cornwall!

The Pandora Inn, Restronguet Creek, Mylor Bridge, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 5ST

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Happy happy birthday!

This week, a very special lady celebrated her birthday, and the fam were all on board to make it a special one. Unable to resist the opportunity to rustle us up some delicious food, the birthday girl presented us with a feast. We presented her with some well deserved gifts, so win-win all round!

Don't you just love summer evenings in the garden? Especially when they're brought to a close with large slices of Victoria Sponge, just oozing with homemade strawberry jam. I'll take credit for the baking of the cake, but all thanks go to Rachel Phipps for the brilliant recipe!

Monday 22 July 2013

The Great Mumbles Raft Race 2013

Ahoy maties!

After my resolution to spend more time enjoying our lovely seaside, this weekend marked the Great Mumbles Raft Race 2013. "What's that?", I hear you say. Well, it's the silliest, strangest, funniest excuse for grown men to dress up as mermaids, show too much skin and chuck buckets of water over unsuspecting members of the public. It's also a brilliant way to raise huge amounts of money for our local RNLI.

We grabbed our camera, met up with some friends and settled in to cheer on our favourite rafts. It wasn't a vintage year for themes, but there were still a couple of very cleverly made rafts. We even had an appearance from Nev and his team from BBC Three's The Call Centre. 

They didn't win (in fact, I don't think we ever found out who did...), but they seemed to be having a lot of fun. And so did we.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Walking the (coastal) walk...

We are lucky enough to live on the doorstep of one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world (biased? moi!?) and, with slightly more free time on my hands than usual, I am doing my utmost to make the most of it. So often we just drive past, eyes ahead, thinking about work, or food shopping or, you know, where ever it is we need to be next. I get so much enjoyment from just taking a moment to absorb the natural beauty surrounding me, taking the moment to absorb and really be part of it, not just motoring on past.

Of course, if there's an opportunity to get a bit of sunshine at the same time, all the better! I packed a beach bag and set off along the coast path, clambering up steps and practically skipping all the way to the beach. Halfway to Langland, I came across a small cluster of people staring out to sea. I stopped to look too (to see what they could see, see, see...!) and, for the first time in my life, witnessed a group of seal taking the opportunity to get some sunshine too! was quite difficult to tear myself away from the huddle. But the beach was calling...