Monday 22 July 2013

The Great Mumbles Raft Race 2013

Ahoy maties!

After my resolution to spend more time enjoying our lovely seaside, this weekend marked the Great Mumbles Raft Race 2013. "What's that?", I hear you say. Well, it's the silliest, strangest, funniest excuse for grown men to dress up as mermaids, show too much skin and chuck buckets of water over unsuspecting members of the public. It's also a brilliant way to raise huge amounts of money for our local RNLI.

We grabbed our camera, met up with some friends and settled in to cheer on our favourite rafts. It wasn't a vintage year for themes, but there were still a couple of very cleverly made rafts. We even had an appearance from Nev and his team from BBC Three's The Call Centre. 

They didn't win (in fact, I don't think we ever found out who did...), but they seemed to be having a lot of fun. And so did we.

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