Thursday 18 July 2013

Walking the (coastal) walk...

We are lucky enough to live on the doorstep of one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world (biased? moi!?) and, with slightly more free time on my hands than usual, I am doing my utmost to make the most of it. So often we just drive past, eyes ahead, thinking about work, or food shopping or, you know, where ever it is we need to be next. I get so much enjoyment from just taking a moment to absorb the natural beauty surrounding me, taking the moment to absorb and really be part of it, not just motoring on past.

Of course, if there's an opportunity to get a bit of sunshine at the same time, all the better! I packed a beach bag and set off along the coast path, clambering up steps and practically skipping all the way to the beach. Halfway to Langland, I came across a small cluster of people staring out to sea. I stopped to look too (to see what they could see, see, see...!) and, for the first time in my life, witnessed a group of seal taking the opportunity to get some sunshine too! was quite difficult to tear myself away from the huddle. But the beach was calling...

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