Monday 1 July 2013

This little piggy...

This weekend, we packed up our car and headed north, off on an adventure to see our lovely friends near Formby. It's been a few months since we were last able to visit and we've been looking forward to seeing them so much.

This wasn't any old visit though, oh no. We were setting out for a party. And not just any old party either, but a full on, proper, hog-roasting, summer party! As you can imagine, excitement levels in our house have been pretty high in the last few weeks!

Arriving late on Friday evening, with beautification in full swing, we settled in and caught up with plans for the next day. Turns out, hiring a hog roast is a pretty genius way to have a party - other than decorating and setting up drink stations, the hog roast team would arrive and take care of all of the food. AND all the food-related washing up. My kind of entertaining...

Bright and early on the big day, Team Summer Party swung into action, a flurry of activity across our friends' beautiful garden. Mr. O and I were put in charge of the setting up the gazebo and he did a great job of that whilst I stood around and took photos. Helpful as always! I was pretty impressed with the hipster-esque geometric shapes being created by the gazebo poles though, so a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, right?

With enough time for a cheeky game of table tennis before getting ourselves suited and booted (I was royally beaten by my husband), we then helped with the set up of an impressive array of drinks, which I, of course, forgot to take a photo of. Typical. It was a thing of beauty though, complete with imported red cups. Red cups!

As the other guests started to arrive, we cranked up the music and awaited the roasted meat, which honestly didn't disappoint. Oh my word, I'm still thinking about it now. Mmmmmm... It went down very well indeed with the crowd, as did the absolutely massive cakes that we feasted on for dessert. Obviously, I went for the chocolate option. Hey, at least I'm consistent!

We had such a brilliant day - the weather may not have got the summer memo, but it was so much fun to be outdoors, in a colourful garden with good food and great company. The rain started to fall just as the crowds started heading home. Perfection.

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