Friday 5 July 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy (belated) Fourth of July, y'all!

As a self-confessed Yankophile, it seemed only right that Mr. O and I paid a little homage to the USA on Independence Day yesterday. I had some time to experiment in the kitchen and, if you've been reading this blog over the past few months, you might be able to guess that there was really only one way we could go when it came to American food.


Really annoyingly, I can't remember which recipe I used for the burgers themselves, though in honesty whatever it was could have done with a few tweaks anyway. I bought my beef from our local butchers, but I think I could have done with using meat with a higher fat content, to give it a bit more flavour and I also think that using mince gives a texture that's a bit too dense. I'd love to one day be able to grind my own mix at home...but that's quite a commitment to the burger cause!

The real star of the show (other than my homemade lemonade) was the brioche burger rolls that I made from a Smitten Kitchen recipe. Oh my word, these bad boys were amazing! I haven't made bread at home before, but these were so simple and so very tasty that I think it may now become a regular occurrence - especially if Mr. O gets his way!

So there it is - sunshine, dressed burgers and sweet lemonade. Thank you America.

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