Thursday 11 July 2013

Strawberry picking at Nicholaston Farm

So, Mr. O and I are throwing ourselves completely and utterly into summer, absorbing every sunshiny minute of it that we can.

In 2011, we ventured to a local Pick-Your-Own farm to pick our weight in fresh, juicy strawberries. In 2012, we headed back to the same farm for another harvesting session. In 2013, we went again - and this year, we actually managed to come home with some fruit, finally managing to actually go during the picking season. They'll make farmers of us yet!

We found out this year that, if you manage to get your act together and go at the proper time (!), Nicholaston Farm is an absolutely incredible place to pick-your-own. It's huge! As well as strawberries, there are a zillion other crops to choose from, all available to pick and take home. The farm is also spoilt with the most beautiful views out over Nicholaston Burrows, one of my favourite Gower beaches.

On such a sunny day, we weren't the only foragers out after a berry feast, but we found our own little patch and started rummaging up and down the rows, searching out our treasures. I got into the zone and found it hard not to imagine that I was on some sort of Famous Five adventure, and that my punnet of strawberries would soon be added to a hamper of ham sandwiches and ginger beer, ready to be packed into a rowing boat nestled in the nearby cove. Mr. O and I were off to hunt for smugglers!

Or maybe not, though perhaps that could be our 2014 strawberry picking adventure. In the meantime though, we headed home with enough sweet berries to feed a small army, so I'm thinking up lots of yummy combinations for this week!

You can pick your own feast at Nicholaston Farm, with the strawberry season due to run for about another two weeks. You can also check the picking seasons for their other produce on their website. And if you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can even book a camping pitch in their neighbouring field! Strawberries for breakfast!

Nicholaston Farm, Penmaen, Gower, Swansea SA3 2HL

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