Monday 10 June 2013

A beautifully lazy Sunday afternoon picnic

I'm loving the fact that summer seems to be well and truly on its way! My bones are finally warming up again after our return to the cold UK.

2013 has been the year of the bicycle for Mr. O and I, with both of us being lucky enough to get a new one for our birthdays. And golly goodness was I lucky! This little lady is currently my favourite mode of transport, though I've not quite achieved the dream look and cycled home with a basket full of fresh flowers and a baguette or two yet...

This weekend we did get pretty close though! Well, as close as popping in to your local Co-op will allow you to get anyway. We picked up a little picnic, hit the cycle path and found a cosy spot with a beautiful view. The trees and greenery almost had me convinced I was back in Australia. Until of course the clouds started rolling in and we decided it was time to cycle our way home before the rain began to fall.

I'm hoping it won't be long until the blue skies and warm sunshine last all day long. We've certainly got many more lazy Sunday afternoon bicycle picnics planned!

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