Wednesday 19 June 2013

Father's Day curry at The Viceroy of India, Swansea

It seems to me that most families have a takeaway preference and that, once a tradition is set, it's something that tends to stay with you. Even though Mr. O and I are now partial to a Chinese or Mexican, based on the options nearby, the takeaway food I love the most is Indian. Growing up, there was nothing more exciting than the announcement on a weekend afternoon that that evening there would be a curry. I'm sure the driving force between these decisions was usually my Dad, a man who knows his curry (and his curry leftovers the next day...).

So, as this year I was the only one of my siblings in town on Father's Day, it seemed only right to take Dad for his favourite. Fancying a change from our much-loved local, we went to The Viceroy of India on St Helen's Road in Swansea, an old haunt of my parents.

We kicked off our meal with a selection of starters which included some delicious samosas and really succulent kebabs. These starters all had a very fresh flavour and, for me, were a marked difference to the heavy (though delicious!) creamy curry sauces that I'm used to. When our mains arrived later though, these too were fresh and colourful and full of very natural, homecooked flavours. Between the four of us, we did a very good job of polishing them all off! The Aloo Sag in particular is highly recommended.

Located on a road full of competing curry houses, The Viceroy of India's decor is a little dated and 'curry house chic', but it really stands out for its delicious food and great team of staff. From beginning to end, the welcome and service that we were given was really exceptional and they definitely helped us make it a lovely Father's Day, for which I'm very grateful.

Dad, thank you for being so brilliant - we are all very lucky to have you! Love you.

The Viceroy of India, St. Helen's Road, Swansea SA1 4BD

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