Thursday 6 June 2013

Miami: Party in the city where the heat is on

Miami is an absolute beaut of a city - blue skies, Art Deco and Mediterranean revival architecture and bursts of strong colours left us captivated, reaching for our cameras on every street corner. And standing out hideously as tourists - hey ho.

Whilst we were in Miami primarily to relax, there was no way we weren't going to have a good explore too. We did this mostly on foot, meaning we saw more of South Beach than anywhere else, but we did venture out on a bus tour halfway through our stay (yes, we are that cool). I love a good bus tour normally, but this one was a bit pants. I'm not sure if that's because of the company we went with (the staff were sooooo unhelpful!) or just because Miami itself is absolutely mahooosive, meaning that when we ventured off Miami Beach, there was only lots of long stretches of not very interesting city to entertain us. Still, we were so glad we got to see Little Havana and Downtown - we just could easily have got ourselves there without taking the tourist bus. Next time we'll know!

Until then, I'm looking at these picture on loop, longing for the sun to pick up here. I've heard it's going to happen soon, woohoo!

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